Congratulation ICBP-NS
Generale / 28.06.2023
According to's 2023 Edition, the top-ranked scientist in the field of Biology and Biochemistry in Romania is Acad. Maya Simionescu.
She is a biologist, a titular member, and the president of the Biological Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy. She is also the director of the Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology "Nicolae Simionescu" and the executive president of the National Foundation for Science and Art.
She has had an exceptional career, including 10 years spent at The Rockefeller University University's Department of Cell Biology in New York and Yale University's School of Medicine in New Haven, where she worked as a researcher and associate professor at the invitation of Professor George Emil Palade.
She has also established a postdoctoral research scholarship named "Maya and Nicolae Simionescu" to support young Romanian scientists passionate about science.
We are proud to have her as a mentor and leader in our scientific community.
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